Connect with top US & Canadian companies

Gradient diamond symbol

Secure long-term jobs with growth opportunities

Gradient diamond symbol

Enjoy perks like local workspaces & fitness classes

Gradient diamond symbol

Transition from isolated freelancing to a community

Orange map of US + Canada and Eastern Europe
Company logo "growth"
Keegan Melrose
Map pin
ArrowOrange circle
Image of Harout Antonian, Senior Backend Developer, Yerevan, Armenia
Harout Antonian
Senior Backend Developer
Map pin
Yerevan, Armenia
Orange arrowOrange circle
Orange circle

Feel like a crucial team member, not an isolated freelancer.

Image of Male, Senior Backend Developer, Yerevan, ArmeniaImage of Male, iOS Developer, Yerevan, ArmeniaImage of Female, Senior Frontend Developer, Tbilisi, GeorgiaImage of Male, Senior Android Developer, Skopje, Macedonia
130+ elite talent are part of Riddle
Image of Female, Senior Talent Manager, Yerevan, Armenia
Savannah Nguyen
Senior Talent Manager
"Riddle" logo
Orange checkmark
Orange eclipse

Why join Riddle?

10+ talent hired
Map pin
Red star symbol

How we compare

Orange star symbol

Connect with leading US & Canadian companies

Orange star symbol

Secure your next role within a week

Orange star symbol

Receive the full salary you request, with no hidden fees

"Riddle" logo
Freelance Marketplaces
Average project duration
Pink eclipse
12 months+
White eclipse
1-2 months
Talent fees
Pink eclipse
White eclipse
Get paired with pre-vetted companies
Pink eclipse
White eclipse
Work in teams
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Receive ongoing local support
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Access to local physical workspaces
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Receive a branded welcome kit
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Access to monthly fitness classes
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Access to ongoing English lessons
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Mentorship matching
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Access to monthly workshops
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
Access to events i.e.
Pink checkmark symbol
White x symbol
"Riddle" logo
Average project duration
Pink eclipse
12 months+
Talent fees
Pink eclipse
Get paired with pre-vetted companies
Pink eclipse
Work in teams
Pink checkmark symbol
Receive ongoing local support
Pink checkmark symbol
Access to local physical workspaces
Pink checkmark symbol
Receive a branded welcome kit
Pink checkmark symbol
Access to monthly fitness classes
Pink checkmark symbol
Access to ongoing English lessons
Pink checkmark symbol
Mentorship matching
Pink checkmark symbol
Access to monthly workshops
Pink checkmark symbol
Access to events i.e.
Pink checkmark symbol
Freelance Marketplaces
Average project duration
White eclipse
1-2 months
Talent fees
White eclipse
Get paired with pre-vetted companies
White eclipse
Work in teams
White x symbol
Receive ongoing local support
White x symbol
Access to local physical workspaces
White x symbol
Receive a branded welcome kit
White x symbol
Access to monthly fitness classes
White x symbol
Access to ongoing English lessons
White x symbol
Mentorship matching
White x symbol
Access to monthly workshops
White x symbol
Access to events i.e.
White x symbol
Orange eclipse circlePink star symbolOrange star symbol

Application process

Arrow symbol
Arrow symbol
Introduction call

Connect with us to learn about Riddle and share more about you.


We conduct a screening that includes a culture, english and skills assessment.

Match making

We will match you with a top company in the US & Canada that aligns with you.

Get hired

After finalizing offer negotiations, we manage the onboarding process, including workspace arrangements and delivery of other perks.

Receive ongoing support

Meet regularly with Riddle’s local HR & Operations Manager for support on: performance, growth, and more.

Arrow symbol
Technology star symbol
Triangle symbolSquare symbol
Arrow symbol

Enjoy local perks & a physical workspace

Riddle's Local Hub
Map pin
Tbilisi, Georgia
All talent receive free perks including:
Access to a local workspace
Branded welcome kit
Monthly fitness classes
Weekly or monthly English lessons
Mentorship matching
Access to hands-on workshops
Access to local events
Pink eclipse

Our local hubs

Our network of physical hubs across Eastern Europe is key to our hands-on approach. These offices are more than recruitment points; they're where our local teams collaborate daily with your talent, ensuring they have the support and environment needed to succeed.

Map of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia
Global tech symbolStar symbolEclipse