Hire top talent quickly & cost-effectively

Access top tech talent from Eastern Europe that work in your time zone. Start hiring today.

Arrow symbol
Line symbolRiddle connecting US and Canadian companies with top developers and designers from Eastern European
Alexei I, Senior iOS Developer from Kyiv, Ukraine working for a top Canadian company from Toronto, Ontario
Alexei I.
Sr. iOS Developer
Skills: Swift, Objective-C, Xcode

Trusted by businesses small and large

We help US & Canadian companies hire and manage top tech talent, from solo entrepreneurs to growing scaleups.

Lightning bulb symbol

Reduce hiring costs by an average of 50%

Question mark symbol

Find top talent within 1-4 weeks


No upfront fees, start hiring today

Orange eclipse

See how Riddle compares

"Riddle" logo
Traditional agencies
Matching period
     As little as 1 week
     Typically takes 4+ weeks
Recruitment fee
     15% all-in fee; only pay when talent begins work
     20% to 40% fees; high upfront fees & commissions
Vetting process
     Top 5%
     Technical, language, and cultural screening
     Basic screening, focusing less on cultural fit
Recruitment services
     No long-term contracts; cancel with 30 days notice
     Requires long-term commitments; less adaptable
HR services
X symbol
Finance & payroll services
X symbol
Dedicated local support
X symbol
Perks included for your talent
Local physical workspaces
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Monthly fitness classes
X symbol
Ongoing English lessons
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Mentorship matching
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Access to workshops & events
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"Riddle" logo
Matching period
     As little as 1 week
Recruitment fee
     15% all-in fee; only pay when talent begins work
Vetting process
     Top 5%
     Technical, language, and cultural screening
Recruitment services
     No long-term contracts; cancel with 30 days notice
HR services
Finance & payroll services
Dedicated local HR & operations manager
Perks included for your talent
Local physical workspaces
Monthly fitness classes
Ongoing English lessons
Mentorship matching
Access to monthly workshops
Traditional agencies
Matching period
     Typically takes 4+ weeks
Recruitment fee
     20% to 40% fees; high upfront fees & commissions
Vetting process
     Basic screening, focusing less on cultural fit
Recruitment services
     Requires long-term commitments; less adaptable
HR services
X symbol
Finance & payroll services
X symbol
Dedicated local HR & operations manager
X symbol
Perks included for your talent
Local physical workspaces
X symbol
Monthly fitness classes
X symbol
Ongoing English lessons
X symbol
Mentorship matching
X symbol
Access to monthly workshops
X symbol
Eclipse symbol

How does Riddle work?

Step 1:

Share your needs

Submit your requirements through our intake form. This step takes 5 minutes.

Arrow symbol
Screens from Riddle's digital platform that is coming soon which will help US and Canadian companies with hiring top tech and design talent from Eastern Europe
Step 2:

We begin the talent search

Our team starts the search the same day, screening for top candidates.

Triangle symbols
Screens from Riddle's digital platform that is coming soon which will help US and Canadian companies with hiring top tech and design talent from Eastern Europe
Step 3:

Receive candidate insights

Receive a report of everyone that passes our screening (<5%).

Arrow symbol
Screens from Riddle's digital platform that is coming soon which will help US and Canadian companies with hiring top tech and design talent from Eastern Europe
Step 4:

Hire your talent & begin onboarding

We manage the entire onboarding process including payroll & HR.

arrow symbol
Screens from Riddle's digital platform that is coming soon which will help US and Canadian companies with hiring top tech and design talent from Eastern Europe
Step 5:

Receive ongoing support

We provide ongoing HR support. Get a local team that supports you daily.

Star symbol
Screens from Riddle's digital platform that is coming soon which will help US and Canadian companies with hiring top tech and design talent from Eastern Europe
Pink eclipseEclipse symbol

How do we source our talent?

Arrow symbol
Thumbs up symbol
Utilizing local recruiters
On-the-ground sourcing
Riddle logo
Talent symbol
Engaging local communities
Meeting talent in local markets
Talent symbol
Identifying hidden talent
Finding talent not on job boards
Developers collaborating symbol
Collaborating with partners
Partnerships with local companies 
Developer and designer database symbol
Leveraging our database
Pre-vetted talent database
Trophy symbol
Relying on referrals
Referrals from top tech talent

Why Eastern Europe?

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Robust talent pool

Eastern Europe boasts a vast, expanding reservoir of tech talent, skilled in the latest technologies

Strong english skills

High levels of English proficiency ensure smooth communication.

Cost savings

Companies typically cut hiring costs by 50% when choosing talent from Eastern Europe.

Stable workforce

The region is known for low attrition rates, with engineering roles often exceeding 4 years of tenure.

Compatible timezones

The region is known for low attrition rates, with engineering roles often exceeding 4 years of tenure.


How does the vetting process for talent work?
How quickly can I expect to see matching profiles?
What is your pricing model?
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Question mark symbol
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